

“The Null Result Penalty”
(with Felix Chopra, Ingar Haaland and Chris Roth)
(This version: January 2024)
The Economic Journal, January 2024, Volume 134, Issue 657, 193-219.
Coverage: VoxEU Post

“Voice and Political Engagement: Evidence From a Natural Field Experiment”
(with Anselm Hager, Lukas Hensel and Chris Roth)
(This version: August 2022)
Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming

Building Trust in the State with Information: Evidence from Urban Punjab
(with Adnan Khan, Sanval Nasim and Mahvish Shaukat)
Journal of Public Economics
, October 2021, Volume 202, 104494.
PDF, Survey materials

“In Vaccines We Trust? The Effects of the CIA’s Vaccine Ruse on Immunization in Pakistan”
(with Monica Martinez-Bravo)
Journal of the European Economic Association, Volume 20, Issue 1, February 2022, 150–186.
(February 2021) CEMFI Working Paper No. 1713, PDF, Appendix, Slides
Coverage: Tonic, The Guardian, New Scientist, Independent UK, La Vanguardia (in Spanish), Medical News Today, MD Alert, Global Village, Times Radio Interview (audio file), La Tarde Cadena Cope (audio file, in Spanish), CEPR VideoVox Interview (link to video)

“The Non-Democratic Roots of Elite Capture: Evidence from Soeharto Mayors in Indonesia”
(with Monica Martinez-Bravo and Priya Mukherjee)
Econometrica, November 2017, 85 (6), 1991-2010.
PDFAppendix-AAppendix-BLink to Paper
Coverage: VoxDev Post

Working Papers:

“It Takes a Village Election: Turnover and Performance in Local Bureaucracies”
(with Sam Bazzi, Masyhur Hilmy, Ben Marx and Mahvish Shaukat)
(This version: March 2025)

“Evidence Transmission in Bureaucracies”
(with Mahvish Shaukat and Mattie Toma)
(New draft coming soon)

“Political Identity and Foreign Aid Efficacy: Evidence from Pakistani Schools”
(with Sanval Nasim)
(This version: July 2022)

“When East Meets West: Interpersonal Contact and the Demand for Democracy”
(This version: November 2019)
Coverage: World Bank Development Impact Post